Health Articles
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Reduced with Chiropractic.
Chiropractic Care for Adolescent Scoliosis The Journal of Physical Therapy Science published a case study [...]
Chronic Stress & Why You Need Chiropractic Care
Chronic stress is a common component to the daily life of most people in [...]
Why chiropractic services could be the next big thing in wellness
The next popular wellness perk could be offering chiropractic services at on-site medical centers. [...]
Dr. Swanson’s Favorite Things 2018!!
This year we thought we would share our favorite product recommendations we make to [...]
Chiropractic Maintenance Care More Effective Than Symptom Treatment
A peer-reviewed study was published by PLOS ONE on September 12, 2018, documenting [...]
Improvement in Concussion Symptoms with Chiropractic Care
When concussions happen most if not all of the concern and treatment is focused [...]