chiropractic offices 78613

Disc Herniation with Extruded Fragment Helped With Chiropractic Care


The Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research published a study on November 19, 2015, documenting the case of a patient suffering from left-sided low back pain that radiated down the left leg being helped by chiropractic. The authors of the study report that lower back pain (LBP) is one of the most common health issues in [...]

Disc Herniation with Extruded Fragment Helped With Chiropractic Care2015-12-21T03:36:26-06:00

Chiropractic could be the “Hidden Cure” you need for your Migraines.


The cause of migraines is still somewhat a mystery. Scientists have found a number of neurological and even genetic factors at play in regard to these often life-altering headaches, but haven’t yet identified a primary cause. Unfortunately, since the research is constantly changing, this essentially forces patients to accept treatments that temporarily ease their pain, [...]

Chiropractic could be the “Hidden Cure” you need for your Migraines.2015-11-23T04:30:25-06:00
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